Progress Not Perfection

This week can you be with your progress rather than perfection.

Notice where your desire for perfection keeps you from moving forward for fear of not doing something perfectly.

As a "still in progress, recovering" perfectionist, I can get bogged down by so many of the details in an effort to reach some perceived perfection.

Yet what I know now, is that often this is simply a tactic of delaying putting myself and/or my work out into the world for fear of judgement; a way of convincing myself I'm not ready.

Yes, do your best work. But consider that good enough and releasing expectations may just be an act of radical self-kindness, empathy and self-compassion. There's simplicity in letting go of the outcome and going along for the journey.

Be gentle with yourself. Progress not perfection. Set that as a practice and see what happens.


A Mantra for Difficult Days


Find Small Moments of Being Brave