Find Small Moments of Being Brave
Being brave means many things to different people.
Often times, we acquaint being brave with doing some grand act fearlessly.
What I’ve come to understand intimately is that the bravest choice we can make isn’t necessarily the biggest, nor is it a choice made in the absence of fear, or doubt or resistance. Being brave often looks like taking that one small movement towards the thing you know you need to do, that thing that matters most to you even when or perhaps especially when you are afraid.
Bring to mind something that scares you? Something that matters greatly but that you’ve pushed to the back burner, possibly for a very long time.
This may look like having that difficult conversation.
Maybe it’s putting pen to paper to craft the first sentence of your future book.
Falling in love. Showing up as your whole self. Scary? Yes. Liberating? Indeed.
Perhaps it’s sitting in stillness for a few moments, being present with the strong emotions that no longer wish to be ignored.
Being brave isn’t the easy choice.
Being brave exposes your vulnerability. But it’s your willingness to be vulnerable that reveals just how courageous you are. Find small moments of being brave. This requires practice and progress not perfection.
So take a deep breath. And another. Take as many breaths as you need.
Think of a situation, or a person or a vision that you hold that requires you to be brave.
What is one micro-shift, one small act or choice that you can take that will bring you closer to the outcome that you are desiring. Remember, transformation doesn’t happen overnight. As author and facilitator Adrienne Maree Brown writes, “Small is good. Small is all.”
I promise that when you make the decision to move towards being brave, no matter the actual outcome, even if it doesn’t feel like a complete victory, it IS!