Find the Thread
Over the past few weeks I’ve observed a similar topic coming up in my conversations; a feeling of dissatisfaction and lack of purpose around the work they were doing.
Doing meaningful work has been shown to improve our sense of Well-being, Feeling pressure to “find your purpose”’ or THE job that is fulfilling as well as pays the bills creates stress that diminishes your sense of Well-being.
I want to offer you these three little words.
“Find the thread.”
I believe each of us offers a unique way of being, a way of responding, an attitude, a skill, that certain something that you offer in only the way you can. When we recognize what that is and weave this “thread” through all we do, it’s more likely that your work will feel more meaningful and more fulfilling.
For example, I’ve traveled down various paths and explorations. What I’ve come to understand is the thread that weaves all these paths together…a desire to support well-being and an ability to create opportunities for folks to feel held, nourished and safe.
I know someone who after years of being an architect decided to leave the field. She now understands that what she really loves is problem solving not necessarily creating spaces. So, even though her next endeavor may differ from her last, she can bring what she loves and does well to all future interactions and opportunities.
When we weave our thread through all our interactions and actions what we leave behind is this beautiful tapestry, our unique imprintwe make on the world, impacting both the people around us and those who come after.
Take a few minutes today to consider what your thread may be? How have you naturally shown up in your work and your world? What do you care about most? What will your imprint be?