Find the Helpers
Mister Rogers once said: When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
In a world that seems to be full of doom and gloom, it can be difficult to remember that there is a lot of good happening in the world. Sadly, that isn't what is amplified. This is why it’s important that we are intentional about consuming good news.
This is not to say that we bypass what's difficult.
When tragic things happen in the news, like school shootings, it’s understandable to want to turn away from the heartbreak and pain. Ignoring the grief and anger won’t bring an end to school shootings — something the overwhelming majority of people do want to see happen.
To make it happen, we need to do something that’s more difficult, but incredibly important: we need to pay attention, to look closer, to look for the people coming together and helping create the change we desperately need and want.
We need to be those people and take ACTION.
AND, we take care of our well-being and seek out stories of the people, ideas, and movements shaping the world for the better. We must deliberately seek it out, and — most important of all — share it with others to help them find an outlet for hope.
Luckily, there are plenty of websites out there that focus on positive news stories.
Here are just a couple:
Positive News
Daily Good
Optimist Daily
This article: #heartivism