Perspective As a Practice

My sister recently posed this question to our online community…”How are you being called to change your perspective?”

In these challenging times, it seems more likely that we are practicing how to hold our own perspective as right and those whose perspectives differ as wrong. I’ve come to realize that this approach feels exhausting and futile.

I’ve changed my perspective.

However, I am human and sometimes I slip into old ways of being and doing.

This is what I’m currently practicing as it pertains to holding perspective with humility.

I continually come back to the softest place I can find within when something or someone threatens to harden me. From that place I ask myself the same questions…

”What am I not seeing?

“What am I not hearing?

“What am I not understanding?”

These questions have helped me to step outside of my own “bubble”, my own lived experiences so that I am able to open myself to someone else’s lived experiences, circumstances, how they may have been hurt or helped along the way.

This is NOT always easy especially with folks that I feel are so hurtful. This is a daily effort and practice.Yet, I’ve come to realize that if I want to contribute to real tangible positive change in the world I cannot stay distracted. I must be able to feel the feelings but not get stuck. Rather, I will allow that fire to fuel the next wise, compassionate action for me, for you and for us.


You Are Doing Your Best